Seeking God Alone brings True Riches and Eternal Peace
Matthew 6: 24. "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
Men have become so dead and greedy that by default, the reason why they exist is just to make money! They toil, work, steal, cheat, lie and would go to any length just go gain the vain material called money.
While chasing after money they consume their health so much and become so busy that the end of their days become bitter and without peace.
Most people believe that true peace comes when they are rich; some even plan that they will have time to worship and obey God when they are satisfied in worldly riches.
[Can Man be satisfied with anything?]
Its getting more obvious generation by generation, century by century and year by year that to chase after money means to run away from God.
Just take a look at your surroundings, look at the average youth, see his speech and character; study his emotions and reactions when he gains some huge amount of money, oh the extraordinary joy and happiness that fills his heart. Now he wants to gain all sort of material things, because that is where his heart and soul lies; he wants to satisfy his flesh with sex and fornication because he had been too busy finding money that he had not learnt that there is an Omnipotent Being that owns and designed him, he does not know who that being is or how he related to him. All he cared about was to be rich.
He moves on with the journey of wealth and soon finds out he needs power in order to influence other people and enforce his will on them. Now because he had been so far away from God, he has no idea that true Power comes from The Living God. He ignorantly gives heed to the illusions and trickery of satan who advertises it as "power", its not long before his soul is completely sold over to the devil.
satan has no blessings, God has cursed him and he can only extend that curse to anyone willing to buy it. So when a man gives heed to satan's will, he carries and bear the curse with him. Every single plague and curse in The Bible is upon he and his house.
Then this very young man in his 50s and 60s starts to suffer from cancer, HIV, killer malaria, stroke and all sorts of abominable plagues; don't ever say its from God! Jehovah does not tempt with evil! Then he starts to spend all the fortune he had acquired, all the money he spent his life gathering and the wealth is ruined on his health. His health is not bad because of Age, but because he has built the foundation of his life on sand; and it is certain to fail woefully! What will this man do when he looses all the material wealth he had gathered for decades all in few years?
What will he do when his children become touts and damaged beyond repair? Where will he run to when his wife keeps falling into one kind of sickness or the other while he himself is plagued? What profit will his money be to him?
When this man dies, what will he take with him in death? He has invested in his flesh all years and toiled to fill his stomach and fatten his bones, but when he dies all those bones and flesh decay and become food for the earth. What will be left for him when he is risen to Judgement? He has lost both in the world and after! Oh what a shame!
Many will say, "I will be careful with my wealth, that it will not fade away. I will feed my children and grow them in it, that they may sustain it", but The LORD laughs at his foolishness, is the earth and its fullness not of The LORD'S? And isn't it His choice to give to whom He pleases?
Brethren, this is a lengthy epistle, but I am glad that God has brought you safely reading to this point. I want to inform you today that money is not the goal of life.
The Bible says in
Matthew 6: 31. "Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32. For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33. But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
There is a clear promise of God to always provide for your needs accordingly as you need it. God is not interested in giving you excess when it will kill you, but that's exactly what you want. But God loves you so much that He wants to keep you safe from satan, from bankruptcy, from plagues and shame; He wants to keep you most importantly from extreme eternal pain and suffering!
Please brethren, renew your thoughts today. Seek God and ask him what you want, It is written in John 15: 7. "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you.".
Abiding in Jesus Christ simply means obeying His Commandments and living in His Words. His Words give Wisdom, Peace, Joy, Love, and everlasting Assurance of Salvation. The Bible said "it is only The Blessings of God that maketh prosper without agony".
There is nothing like "the labour market", there is no such thing as "hardwork = wealth" in the Kingdom of God. The formula is simply to Obey, Love and Fellowship with God.
The world has nothing to offer you, they are only lies and illusions which will last for a while, afterwards you will be left stranded and possible condemned to death!
Riches from God brings much more Precious Things than money, you have eternal peace, security, sound Health and Happy Family. God gives you Amazing Spiritual Powers and nothing will be impossible for you through Faith and Prayers!
Turn your hearts to Jesus Christ today, He has Promised "anybody that seeks Him, no matter what I will not cast him away"; this is an amazing promise Sirs and Ma. You have to go on your knees and confess your lust for the world, confess your bowing to satan, confess your greediness; and accept Jesus Christ as The ruler of your heart today, and He will give you peace and multiply you in great and eternal prosperity.
He said in Matthew 6: 26. "Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value then they?"
Brethren Repent today and seek Jesus Christ!
You are Blessed in Jesus Name! Happy New Month!
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