You are The Author of the strongholds plaguing you
The strongholds in your mind didn't come from a witch doctor nor was it from satan; it came because you have filled your soul and mind with all sorts of adulterous songs and videos, you are struggling with that stronghold because you delight in vain demonic speeches and appearances.
Proverbs 23:7 "For as a man thinketh so he is"; verily I say unto you, "your thoughts design your actions, your actions design your emotions and your emotions design your Character".
So the things you meditate and delight in will eventually design your life both Spiritually and Psychologically; so I'll keep saying it, that hairstyle on your head isn't from God its from hell and its the No. 1 identity of a man person, and so madness comes from the decay in the soul as decay in the soul comes from death which is sin.
So I'll tell you again, unless you stop those nonsense songs and slangs from ruling your soul, unless you disengage from your sodomic habits... "You WILL Die! " I didn't say it, God did - Ezekiel 18:20
Repent now from provoking The Living God! Your body is not yours neither is your soul, its God's! Its His property, you are God in human form, a little less than The Angels, glorified with The Image of God Himself. Stop defiling that Precious piece of Creation with your carnal acts.
I'll tell you a secret today, there is a Spiritual Law that abounds through out The Universe and in The Heavens...The Law states that:
"Every thing created was brought forth from The Fabric of God's being, so all of creation is simply matter that was produced By The Energy of God which is The Power of God which is The Word of God. So for every single bit of creation to function properly they have to possess and function in the divine attributes of God Himself"
Its this law that ensures that The Earth will collapse one day because the sins of men has altered its divine nature of Holiness and Innocence.
This same law ensures that a sinner will never survive in the strength of his flesh for long; they will start getting cancer, HIV and all sorts of plagues never heard of before.
That same law will kill your body and soul, it will destroy your health and alter your glorious destiny IF you fail to function properly as God's own body by possessing The divine attributes of God - Truthfulness, Merciful, Loving, Holy, filled with The Holy Spirit and unstained from The world.
Receive Jesus Christ today and all those fears and sins will be forgotten as a thing of the past, even as a man passes out His defecation they will be forgotten.
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