The Living Manna: Part 3
Part 3: Faith that commands Results
Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."
The First Apostles are considered the foundation of The Ministry of The Holy Spirit; They had so much Power and Authority that even Peter's shadow rose people from the dead. Its interesting that we Christians refer to These men of Ancient ages as God's Foremost Generals.
From Apostle Paul down to John G. Lake and co, these were men that carried The Presence of God and never struggled to receive The Results of Their Words of Faith and Prayer. Smith Wigglesworth was an exceptional man of Faith, a local plumber turned God's General who speaks Holy Ghost Fire into the souls and Spirits of men.
Smith Constantly Proclaimed: "There is something about believing God that makes God willing to pass over millions of people just to Anoint you". This man understood Faith so deeply that in one meeting he told a woman whose legs were completely locked in sciatica to "Run!", the woman was reluctant and he pushed her! Dragging her around the building until she got up and walked from that day!
During a deadly disease outbreak in South Africa, the number of deaths became so high that people had to be piled up and buried in mass. But this disease was like Ebola, you can't touch a dead infected person or you risk getting infected yourself. John G. Lake, filled with The Holy Ghost and Faith went into the field and began to bury the infected dead bodies; when the doctors investigated how he wasn't infected they found out that the disease agents simply burnt off the moment they touched his skin!
He proclaimed His Faith with the fact that "The Law of sin and death has no hold on me, for The Law of The Spirit in Christ Jesus has set me free from the normal results of sin". This is Revelation rooted Faith and it works.
These Men displayed Power beyond the normal!
How did these Giants of God get so much Power and Authority? Its simple...Smith Wigglesworth took God's Words by The Horn, sat on it, and drove it into any situation without looking around, so did Lake, and all these Great Ancient Apostles.
Apostle Paul was bitten by a snake, instead of shouting Holy Ghost Fire and Praying panic Prayers, he was completely calm in Faith that it is written "...they shall take up snakes and it will do them no harm!".
Faith does not come from Praying and Fasting, i've tried it...Faith simply didn't come even through constant Praying in The Holy Ghost!
Faith comes by getting a hold on The Word of God, possessing it in your thoughts and memory, then letting it stay long enough(constant meditation and study) to produce Its Fruit...Faith.
The measure of Faith you have is The measure of The amount of God's Words you know and believe. Power comes through Prayer and Fasting, but without The Word of God, The Power you have gained will be dormant. No matter how powerful and fast a vehicle is, if you don't know how to drive it you're an accident waiting to happen.
The more time you spend in God's Words, bathing yourself in it, meditating on it and even Preaching it, The More Faith is built up in you! And without Faith, we cannot be called The Children of God! (Heb 11:6), without Faith you cannot beat the devil. Faith is God's Word in Action, so speaking The Word in panic and fear will never produce any results, you have to Believe In The Results of Those Words firmly.
This is why many people carry so much Power and Anointing yet have so little manifestation of Signs and Wonders, because they've got the Armor Tank, but they don't even know how to start it not to talk of using it. Many Christians can start The Armor Tank of The Holy Ghost but don't have The Faith to shoot and Operate it well enough, they simply haven't stored up The Word enough.
What then do we make of all these? That you can move mountains if you have Faith! But you ask, "i have Faith but my Mountains are not moving?" Then the question is "is your Faith based on the clearly understood Knowledge of God's Power or you're just using Christian Faith?"
Faith is not Hope, Hope comes when you know you don't have enough Faith or you don't know The right Solution in The Bible to overcome a situation you just believe in God to do it.
The First Apostles carried the extraordinary Level of Power and Authority because they had seen Jesus Christ Perform The Miracles and cast out demons; they also have received The first-hand Words of God from The Word Himself after spending so much time with Him. So it was not a Christian or religion thing to them, it was real life and practical! Not even theological! They didn't hope something would happen, they knew it would.
Smith Wigglesworth would never go out unless he had carried a Bible on him, he was so close to The Word of God, He knew The Word of God, he had studied it, meditated on it and stored it up constantly and long enough that The Power of The Word began to show forth in Him.
I want to challenge you today, pick up The Word and Possess it. Don't just mark your to-do list every morning by reading Romans 8 or Psalm 91. God can only be found in His Words. David found God in His Words and He wrote the longest Chapter in The Bible all Glorifying The Majesty and Power of God's Words.
Do you have a situation that your Prayers have not been able to change? You simply are not bold enough to Pray for the sick, command a situation to change? Or you're trying to find The Presence of God and His Fellowship through other means apart from The Word?
John 6:63 "...The Words I speak to you are Spirit and Truth!"
Jeremiah 23:29 "is not my Word like Fire and Like The Hammer That breaks the rock into pieces?"
Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."
Faith comes by hearing The Word of God, with Faith you can command physical and spiritual mountains to move and they will obey.
Sickness comes by the works of darkness, if not, Jesus Christ would have told some of the sick He met to see the Physicians! But He rebuked every single spirit of sickness because "He Knew He had The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth". Do you know you have also been given Those same keys?
Matthew 18:18 "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
God Bless you as you grow in Faith in The Word of God.
Stay tuned for Part IV and be Blessed!
References: God's Generals by Roberts Liardon, Diary of God's General by John G. Lake
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