You've Been Set Free

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

Romans 8:1–2, 15–17

Job 5–7; Acts 8:1–25

First written by Lawrence Darmani

When I was a boy in the village, something about chickens fascinated me. Whenever I caught one, I held it down for a few moments and then gently released it. Thinking I was still holding it, the chicken remained down; even though it was free to dash away, it felt trapped.

When we put our faith in Jesus, He graciously delivers us from sin and the hold that Satan had on us. However, because it may take time to change our sinful habits and behavior, Satan can make us feel trapped. 

But God’s Spirit has set us free; He doesn’t enslave us. He has set us free to come to His Throne to Worship, even into the Holies of Holies! The Freedom we have in Jesus Christ enables us to overcome guilt and depression as He instructed us to come boldly to The Throne of Grace, even after we've failed Him the umpteenth time, we're still free to come to Him and He Promised to shower us with Grace and Mercy! (Heb 4:16)

Paul told the Romans, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1–2).

Through our Bible reading, Prayer, and the Power of the Holy Spirit, God works in us to cleanse us and to help us live for Him. The Bible encourages us to be confident in our walk with Jesus without feeling as if we are not set free. When we begin to live in The Word of God daily, our reality begins to shift into God's Kingdom and Presence, only then can we experience The Fellowship of Jesus Christ in our hearts; and by His Fellowship we're made to hate sin and live in The reality of His Freedom and Power. 

Jesus said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). 
The biggest stumbling block between us any many of our sins is simply our decision to forsake them! 

For concerning Freedom? Jesus Christ has set us free(Gal 5:1). But we must make firm decisions to stop those sinful habits, to desist from addictions and let The Lord know through Prayer when we find it hard to overcome sin, He said in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all our cares and burden onto Him for He cares for us. 

God Loves us dearly and all He wants for us is Joy and Blessings(Jer 29:11-12), we only need to turn to Him. Keep that in mind today. 

May the Freedom we have in Christ spur us on to love Him and serve Him.

This is God's Words for you Fresh! 

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for sometimes revisiting my past and forgetting that You have washed away my sins. Thank You for taking my burden and setting me free to enjoy living for You.

Jesus Loves you so much! 


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