The deceptions of LITTLE sins!
2 Thessalonians 2: 7. "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."
As Baba Adeboye described little sins, he said little sins are like a little leopard; they look cute and harmless, and you just say to yourself: "this is just a little leopard, what harm can this baby do? " And you consider keeping it.
But you forget that its that little leopard that will grow up to become a scary blood thirsty big leopard, and when it does get big enough, it will kill your family first, your neighbors, your career and consequently, your life.
Brethren, what is that little sin that is so cute that you think is so harmless? That little seemingly harmless habit of your that you think "well everyone does this, so its a norm". The verse above describes the system of iniquity, it comes in like a tiny drop of water, so tiny it comes to your mind like a simple thought and when you are too weak Spiritually to discern and rebuke the thought it will automatically appeal to you and it catches your attention.
After careful meditation, the thought grows to an act, then an act to an habit, an habit to a character, and a character to a lifestyle of sin and demonic influences; so that little leopard of yours has become a big blood sucking leopard and its ripping you Life in pieces.
Then at some point, you somehow come to realize that you are actually falling out of God's Commandments and Glory, and according to the verse 11-12 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."; we see here that its not difficult to see why many people even after recieving The Gospel and countless warnings will still not drop their sinful acts - They that Love the world and its iniquity will not depart from it, except the Lord has mercy on them; I didn't say this, the bible did!
You see your mates singing and listening to songs that publicly endorses fornication with all sorts of devilish utterances, you don't pick a race and flee, and now you are addicted to those songs that your subconsciousness is inclined towards fornication; your thoughts and mind is filled with your girlfriend and the snazzy ladies on the street; and you begin to live in God's wrath.
You start to watch music videos where the Children of Jezebel publicly show off their body while dancing like demons, you realize its wrong at some point, but you're too blinded by your carnal lust to refuse it - and all of a sudden you are addicted to porn and all sorts of devilish views! And the devil takes complete control over your life and future.
You engage in all sorts of betting sprees and all of a sudden, you want to get rich by all means - its not difficult to know that you will end up in the evil works and start dining wit the devil.
This is The Word of God coming to you today. Retrace your steps, the kingdom of darkness is waging its war and its purpose is simply to make sure people are occupied with stupid music and videos alongside different phones and apps - so that they will not have the time to worship God, so that even when your parents force you to church you will be busy on Facebook or WhatsApp and will simply ignore The Power and Presence of God coming to you through The Preacher's Words.
Satan's plan is to fill you with tiny lies, stealing, backbiting and all sorts of sins you call petty, so that you will not be useful for God's purpose in future.
Brothers, Sisters, being an undergraduate is not the height of your life, being in youth service is not an achievement in The Kingdom of Heaven. God didn't tell anyone to establish and Education System like this - Its the device of man. So don't be too carried away by your environment,God will not judge you by your worldly qualifications but by your Spiritual Qualifications.
Why do you think many leave the universities and find no jobs for years, some even end up becoming slaves to white men abroad. Many people end up becoming petty business men and women while the had a much bigger dream. Its not automatic, what you sow you shall reap.
Remember the days of fornication in school where everyone thought it was a norm? Sin has infected many that their eyes and hearts and dead to The Things of God. Many people today cannot read a bible verse but listen to rap music all day; and when The Gospel is being given to them, its difficult to take in because there is a rap music playing in the background of your soul and all sorts of adulterous music videos accompanying it.
Brethren, repent! Toss away those little sins, those devilsh habits, songs, videos and all sorts of vain discussions that are killing your soul rapidly. Some find it difficult to pray anymore, some have even forgotten what it means to be a Christian.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, if you are doubting that just check the number of people that died in the nearest public hospital. And see that death is the quicker judgement to those who despise the truth. The Kingdom of Christ is near, put the devil to shame by dropping those sins and surrendering your life to Christ! He is able to fix you and give you a new breath of Life.
You are the apple of God's eye, He wants to use you to achieve extraordinary feats. Only to those who have clean hands and white hearts will He show Grace and blessing with Everlasting peace.
Brethren, stop being influenced by the devil, he is a filthy arrogant who has no power but lies and illusions. The Good news is that he has been judged and put to public shame by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.
So please stop these acts: lies, fornication, bad hairdo, stupid piercings, abominable dressing and likes. The bible says "that which is exalted among men is an abomination unto The Living God". You are a conqueror in Christ, you are to be set apart in habit and preference from the world.
Please, turn your back to the world and come into The Love of God through Christ.
I pray in The Name of Jesus, may The Holy Spirit of God deliver your hearts from sin; May the Light and Power of God which you have received through These Words tear down every stronghold of sin in your heart in Jesus Name.
I pray that you accept Christ into your life and receive complete Salvation.
Please pray these prayers of freedom.
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