Every Soul must Bow and Confess Jesus Christ on The Day of Judgement

Php 2:9-11 " Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10  That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11  And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
These Verses are probably The Most Powerful Weapons in Spiritual Warfare!
But They go deeper than that, These Verses reveal a Truth about the Great Day of Our Lord Jesus when He will stand in The Great Light of God and Judge all of The Universe accordingly, when all Those who believed in Him will escape Judgment and be caught up in HIS Bosom till The Day of Judgment is passed away.
On That Day "every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" when they see His Appearance and The Artifacts of Judgment in His Hands; both The Sword of Truth which will avenge every disobedience and The Fire of Vengeance which will burn every deed made of Wood (Flesh- Jeremiah 5:14, 1 Cor 3:13).
So EVERY SINGLE Being shall bow and confess JESUS CHRIST with their mouth WILLINGLY because they will tremble before His terribly Great Light and They will melt to their feet at the violence of His Voice. But The Righteous shall know no fear, They shall be bold, as bold as the Sun; and each one of us shall shine with a Great light as The Sun shines forth!
You Just Have to Believe today that JESUS CHRIST is Lord and King over all The Earth. He has been before creation, He is today and He will be forever; and He is relentlessly knock on The door of your hearts, saying "I Love You, Let me in and you shall live".
It doesn't matter how long you have been a "Christian" or how frequent you attend Church services; you have to truly accept Jesus Christ and be born again in The Spirit and Cleansing of His Blood. You have to possess a heart that Loves God, a heart that hates the world and all it has to offer. You have to be willing to be filled in His Words and be a doer of His Words.
You are not in Jesus Christ yet if your daily life lacks atleast 3-minutes prayer, a Word of Devotion for The Day and continuous remembrance of God's Power with a heart filled with praise.
Search deeply in your heart and soul today, if you are sincere, you will find those sinful habits, the carnal addictions, thoughts of fornication, carnal speech and gossips, adulterous views and songs...and so on.
Please deny yourself, the torment is Great! You can't bear it! Turn your hearts to God today, you don't need to meet a Pastor of a Prophet to be saved; Jesus is everywhere, by Him was the whole world created, He is the very fabric of existence because He is The Word and The Word is God. (John 1:1)
Just simply believe that Jesus can save you from your sins, from your addiction and your carnal behaviors; believe He is able completely deliver you from any sort of demonic attack, even if you caused it by directly invoking it in your life...He is not interested in condemning you! He wants you to just believe in The Blood He Shed for you on The Cross then leave all the rest to Him. I can assure you that your Life will be transformed completely for good. 
(2Co 5:17)  "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
If you are ready to receive salvation today and escape That Terrible day of Judgement, simply say with Faith
"Lord Jesus, i believe you died for my sins and shed your blood to set me free from the bondage of satan and the law; i believe you rose up on the third day and ascended to The Heavens to God, i believe i will be risen from the dead in the End Days and will live in your Heavenly Kingdom forever. Amen"
Brethren, you are saved! The Peace of God is flowing into you right now and you are about to experience the most amazing changes in your lives.
Remember to hold on to your Faith in Christ Jesus, thats the greatest criteria and passport to Eternal Salvation. But i am confident that He that has saved you today will Quicken your mortal bodies with His Immortal and Righteous Spirit whereby presenting you blameless even till The point of death in this world.
You are blessed!


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