God's Well of Relief!

Gen 21:19 "And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water;..."

Please read from verse one. (You read atleast 19 verses today Friend!)

Hagar had been at that very spot, hopeless, without water nor food and ready to die! But somehow God opened her eyes to see a well!! So, God had prepared a well there already for her and her son; but the sorrow and hopelessness had blinded her to see it.

The same thing happens to us everyday, when we are facing difficult situations, we tend to magnify these situations beyond The Power and Love of God; we behave as though God is no longer The Same God that has kept us in Peace and Joy all these while. But God always provides wells for us just when we about to head into the wilderness, but we miss the well because we love to simply won't let our Faith and Trust in God go before us.

But when God came to help it wasn't because of hagar mind you, it was because of the innocent child. Many of us believe by being sober with heavy sighs and being depressed brings God's answers to us. God is merciful! but unless you call to him even if its by crying and mixing it with your prayers, or groaning through the Holy Ghost - God can only sympathize with us and really hope we'll call upon Him.

God heard the child's cry, not hagar's faithless soberness and depression! 
If hagar had a spec of the faith of Abraham, she would have called unto God the moment she was sent away; she wouldn't just wander in the wilderness without putting God first. 

Many people prefer to hustle, they love the andrenalin and feeling of being among those who are working hard to make it...but didn't hagar try hard? she must have exhausted all her options and gave up. 

Many people spend years roaming around the wilderness, but they, like hagar forget to call upon He who makes clear paths through deserts and seas to lead them through; so they waste years chasing after the wind. But before they know it, their strength is already failing them, and the results of the so-called hard work are so little! what an awful life!

God is Perfect, don't get yourself confused! When going out on anything, marraige, school, new business, new house, call unto Him to lead, and if you had failed to invite him in the first place, and you're now in the ditch...hey, "don't panic", get your Bible right now and read John 6:35-40. 

Don't stop there now, Matthew 7:7-11 says "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:   For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.   Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?   Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?   If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"

Its so easy to ask The Father, don't worry about your sins and issues....Jesus said who ever calls upon me for help, i will NEVER cast them away. 
He said in Matthew 11:29 "come to me, all you who are heavily burdened for i will give you peace"!

Just throw away all those junk drugs, depression and hopelessness and put your kneels to The ground...Then ask what you want!!! God is willing to engage because He is completely waiting for this moment. It doesn't have to be a pretty Prayer, just tell Him, cry to Him, He knows what you want more than you do!

Phil 4:6-7 "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.   And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Oh how much Jesus Christ Loves you!! If you happen to have never accepted Jesus Christ yet, simply bow wherever you are, and Pray with a humble and ready heart:

"Lord Jesus, Thank you because you are alive to hear me; 
Thank you because of your Word of Salvation;
I come to you as a sinner and a poor person;
I really need your help right now;
I believe you can help me, I believe you died on The Cross and took away all my sins;
I believe you rose again and are Alive in God in Heaven;
Please come into my Heart and rule over it; 
i surrender my soul to you Lord Jesus, come into my soul and save me from death, sin and hell.
Thank you because you have heard me, Thank you because you have answered and now you live in me.

If you Prayed that Prayer of Faith, i've got something for you! Just contact me with a private message, i'll be so happy to receive you.

Please share your Testimonies! 
God Bless you!



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