The devil's roar is an empty threat to The Children of God.

1 Peter 5: 8. "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

There is a Truth I want to reveal to you today, a Revelation I want to show you today; that the devil has only one weapon, "roaring"!
No he can't do anything else, he can only roar and keep making all sorts of scary faces and intimidating appearance hoping someone will tremble and turn away from The Fear of God to fear his nonsense  intimidation.

Brethren, I wanna assure you today that satan is but a fallen angel, a liar, an adulterer and an arrogant idiot who tries to turn people from believing in God as the supreme being to believing in his tricks and illusions like temporary wealth, destructive power, sex and drugs! 
For it is written in 1 John 3: 8. "The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work."; so you are being plagued by demons and poverty because you have failed to stop behaving like the devil listening to his roar and seductions.

The moment Christ died, those who believe no longer are children of sin and carnality, but of Righteousness and for you to really fit that description of Righteousness you have got to turn to 1 John 3: 10 which say "This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.".

Its very simple dear friends, don't go everywhere shouting Holy Ghost Fire, Fire Fire or shouting The Blood of Jesus everywhere, no it won't work for you! Why?  Because you have failed to conform to God's Image which is The Obedience to HIS WORD! You keep malice, speak all sort of lies and carnal utterances, you fornicate in your mind and physically; with this you have not only become like satan, but you have heeded to his "roar" through lack of Faith in and Obedience to God's Words.

I go round the streets and I see Churches where people of all sorts and all manners gather in serious Prayers, shouting, sweating and some jumping and almost loosing their breath, but one thing God always told me was that "How can anyone receive from me when they don't even know who I am? ".
Many people don't really know God, they don't recognize His voice, they are not really concerned with what He wants for us or they don't realize that destinies and careers are designed by God Himself and not what their parents chose them to be, not even what they feel they should be, our future is not ours to dictate.

So because many "Church goers" have not really given their lives to Christ, they have not really sat down to Listen to and Study Who GOD is through His Words, all they are really concerned about is the riches and security of their future - They simply build all of their works and Prayers on sandy soil! And it is written in 2 Chronicles 20: 20 "....Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful."; so without True Faith in God your Prayers may be answered according to The Parable in Luke 18:1-8, but because you have no root in God yet, the root of God is His Holy Spirit and Obedience, so because you have not been baptized in The Holy Ghost yet, you lack Power; and since you are also ignorant of God's Words you can not build your Faith in Him for Faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word of God!

So when satan sounds his loud roar, when he blows his windstorm of mass slaughter, when he seduces you will cunny ladies and he fills you with doubts of God with all those carnal inspirational books - you start to listen to him, you start to find his words and lifestyle more appealing than GOD's and he holds you captive!

So don't just shout Holy Ghost Fire! Blood of Jesus! or use The Name of Jesus in vain! You can't harness a Power you have not studied and understood, the Power of God is in Righteousness not in your stressful Prayer and Fasting, Prayer and Fasting will only bring any fruit when you do not keep iniquity in your heart; and there is no other means to Righteousness apart from The Fellowship with The Person of The Holy Ghost which can only be facilitated by Study of The Word of God.

So Dear Friends, God wants you to repent from the habit of blind Worship today. He is not looking for Prayer Warriors and Fire Fire Shouters, God is diligently seeking Carriers of His Light, He wants Men and Women who will walk uprightly in His Holy Commandments and shine The Light of Jesus Christ throughout the world by showing The Power of God and giving all the Glory to Him.

You are first Sons and Daughters of God before you are an engineer or doctor, let your mind be constantly fixed on the Truth that everything around you is vanity and temporary, but The Real Deal is The Amazingly Awesome Kingdom of Heaven which we should all be joyful for.
And when you submit yourself to Studying and Meditating in The Word of God and Living in Holiness, then The Presence of God with all His Power will live right inside of you.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for The Message you have passed to me today; I confess that I've been selfish and ignorant of your will for my life, I repent and submit my time and entire life to you. Please help me to turn to Studying your Word with Zeal, bless me with The Spirit of Revelation that I may understand. Amen!

One more thing Friends, if you have not received The Baptism of The Holy Ghost, and you earnestly desire to receive it and walk in The Supernatural, simply go down on your knees and raise up your hands and Pray with Faith, Pray to Jesus Christ to Perfect His Salvation in you by filling you with The Holy Ghost, tell Him you want to speak in Spiritual Tongue.  Don't doubt it, you will receive it, its a Promise from God that who ever asks of His Spirit shall receive!

Halleluyah! I'm sure you have been baptized right now, there are no two ways about it, you are baptized! If you fail to see the signs of new tongues and The Feeling of God's Power flowing through you, then you lack Absolute Assurance of Reception of The Holy Ghost; Pray again with Faith for you lack Faith.

Study: The Book of Acts Chapters 1 & 2; The Book of John Chapters 1-3.



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