The Living Manna: Part 2
Genesis 1:1-3 : "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
PART II: The Word of God is Power and Fire
Have you ever imagined what it would feel like if you were made of Fire? I know this is not an everyday imagination, but what about your own body carrying unimaginable amount of Fire and Power about wherever you go? That sounds familiar right? yes it does!
Elijah was a Man of God under the Old Convenant and he commanded The Heavens to spit out fire upon his enemies and it was so; infact he did this more than a couple of times.
Jeremiah 23: 29 "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?", The Word of God is Fire and Power to those who truly posses it! Possessing Knowledge means memorizing it and having the capacity to use it anytime and anywhere.
The Bible says The Word of God is Power and its Fire and its also an Hammer!! If you can get yourself to fill up your thoughts and memory with His Word then you are a Living carrier of God's Power and FIre...its that simple! A carrier of God's Words is like a hurricane of Fire and Metal hails to the kingdom of darkness, they simple cannot withstand their presence.
Decades ago right here in Nigeria, a young boy less than 18 years old was listening to The Preacher in a Church Service one day and The Preacher quoted John 14:11 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father", this young boy out of curiosity met the Preacher and asked him "do you mean we can even raise dead men?", The Preacher replied "yes, we can", then the boy asked again "have you risen a dead man before", The preacher replied "no".
Few hours later, this boy found a dead child being mourned by her family and he rose her from the dead in Jesus name because he had receive The Word and carried it with him. Him name is Benson Idahosa.
The Preacher here knew the Word but didn't possess it so he couldn't carry it to bring about results, but the young boy here received The Word, knew it and possessed it! When he possessed The Word, The Fire and Power of God manifested in him to stir his faith which brought about a miracle.
And there are tons of cases where people have wroth forth Miracles simply by possessing The Word of God and applying it; these are mostly normal people, not Apostles or Prophets and not Prayer wariors. Once you are born again in Christ Jesus, you are by default a carrier of God's Presence, but with The Word of God, you become Powerful in God to bring forth anything good you want according to The Power of God(Word and Faith) at work in you.
Miracle will become normal for you when you seek God's Words and let them work in you to Empower and lighten up your Spirit!
Genesis 1:1-3 explains The Trinity more than any verse of The Bible, this verse shows that God brings The Will and Decision, He sends forth His Words(Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit bring His Words into Action(Acts of Apostle)!
When you read The Word it stays on The Pages of The Bible, but when you possess The Word it stays on the pages of your heart and sets your soul on Fire!
Why are you afraid of weapons of darkness, why are you afraid of the oppressor? why are you struggling to survive? why do you panic when attacked?
The Bible says in Luke 10:19 that Jesus Christ has given us all The Power and Authority to bind even the devil himself...but you have not possessed The Word enough to recieve your Faith!
Do you not know that The Word of God is Alive? If you keep iron close to the furnace for a long time it will become hot, It you keep it in long enough, it melts and become fire itself! This is the same way The Word of God works in our lives to transform us into Men on Fire with Power!
Jer 5:14 "....I am going to make My words become fire in your mouth. These people are the wood, and the fire will consume them".
Brethren, The Word of God in your heart is enough to break every yoke and pull down every stronghold. If you have The Words stored up, they will be like missiles against your enemies when the stand before you. Take hold of The Word of God today and receive God's unmatchable Power and Fire.
Stay Tuned for Part 3 and you'll be Blessed.
May The God of Jacob shine The Light of His Face upon you!
John 14:21, Psalm 119:1-20.
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