The Mysteries and Depths of God. Pt I

As the oceans of the earth are simply a glimpse of the Exceedingly Great Waters of The Heavens; so is The Bible just a glimpse of The Exceedingly Great Abundance of The Words and Revelations of God.
Ha, His Words are far far far more than Genesis to Revelations; His depths are far far far beyond His Name and Power.
Ha, His Wisdom and Knowledge can create infinite numbers of universes all Coexisting in parallel.
Men have read The Bible from cover to cover,  yet they are still searching for God's Knowledge! His Words cannot be contained in books nor can The hearts of men contain them.
He speaks a thousand words in a second, and yet He speak a Word in a thousand years; What a mighty God we serve.
Psalms 18:13 "
The Lord also thundered in the heauvens, and the highest gave his voice; hailstones and coals of fire."
Isaiah 40: 28. "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding."

You may think you deserve some accolade or some praise from God because you are a pastor? Or because you gave a N200 note as alms? Or you carry a title of Apostle?
Are we not just sand before Him? The whole world the measure of a bucket Balanced about the universe?

He is bigger than the whole creation yet He is Smaller than an ant. His distance is beyond the reach of mortal men yet He closer to us than our own very lives!

Bow and Worship God today, remember His Greatness, meditate on His Power and be sober in worship. Desist from sin, be steadfast in Faith and offer sacrifices of Righteousness unto our Great God.


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