The Living Manna
1 Cor 15:2 "By This Gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I Preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain."
PART 1: The Living Word
There was a small elementary school close to an apartment where I used to live, I remember every morning I would hear the teachers making the alphabets into carefully rhymed melody and singing it to the little kids, the children would then repeat the words in same melody as they have heard; and when they're done for the day on their way home, you would hear some of the kids singing those same melodies as they walk along in joy.
I'm sure many of us passed through this stage, and we understand how fundamental it is for children to memorize the alphabets and words; with or without cunny melodies. And it's beautiful that the simple fundamental acts of memorizing and knowing our words, formular and tons of textbook texts have made us into scientists, billionaires and well celebrated people in the world.
Brethren, how much more shall we be Glorified in Heaven before our Father if we can devote out lives to knowing God's Words? How Glorious will our Lives be if we can start to memorize The Living Words of God and store them up to be instructed by Them?
2 Peter 1:3 "According as His Divine Power hath He given unto us all things that pertain unto life and Godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM that hath called us to Glory and virtue; 4: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises; that by these ye may be partakers of The Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust"
Dear Friend, there is absolutely nothing good you need that God has not Provided in His Words; so also there is no kind of attack either physical or Spiritual that God's Words have not provided a weapon of Victory for you.
You struggle with sin everyday, but God's Words says that you have the Power to bind the old man in you at work.
You're not happy with your salary, but God's Words say you can command your wealth.
You're battling disease and periodic illness but God's Words says that you will be kept in perfect peace!
But you cannot have those Promise because you don't know them, you don't know God enough to receive them!
Brethren, what takes you 1 year to achieve by "hustling" and "working hard"(as the world prefers) will only take The Word of God a second to command into reality!!!
You must know The Scriptures off-hand so that you can stand firm wherever you are and in any situation.
Our Lord Jesus said that His Words are Spirit and Life!
Stop waking up to quickly read the Bible like it's a task, don't just read drowsily over The Bible at Night like it's a burden...your success and Eternal Life lies in The Pages of The Bible. Store up those Words, this is what God meant by "if I Live in you and you in Me, whatever you ask you shall receive".
Make a decision today to search The Scriptures and Write down all The lessons, Promises and Spiritual Weapons you find, these are all yours that you may live The Life God has Planned for you.
Many would Pray and fast all day, but they don't store up God's Words enough to know The Ways and The Instructions of God, but The Bible says The Lord will not answer their Prayers because they have refused to know His Words!
Brethren, let's follow God's Instructions in Joshua 1:8, search The Scriptures for Answers and Solutions, you'll receive God's Guidance and Blessings when you read The Word to Know it and not just for reading sake.
Read The Word and Store them up in your Heart, this is The First step to being able to live by The Word!!!
Please read and share, May The Lord shine His Light upon you!
Kindly follow up on this series of parts, and you will be Blessed in Jesus Name!
Joshua 1:8, John 1:1-5
PART 1: The Living Word
There was a small elementary school close to an apartment where I used to live, I remember every morning I would hear the teachers making the alphabets into carefully rhymed melody and singing it to the little kids, the children would then repeat the words in same melody as they have heard; and when they're done for the day on their way home, you would hear some of the kids singing those same melodies as they walk along in joy.
I'm sure many of us passed through this stage, and we understand how fundamental it is for children to memorize the alphabets and words; with or without cunny melodies. And it's beautiful that the simple fundamental acts of memorizing and knowing our words, formular and tons of textbook texts have made us into scientists, billionaires and well celebrated people in the world.
Brethren, how much more shall we be Glorified in Heaven before our Father if we can devote out lives to knowing God's Words? How Glorious will our Lives be if we can start to memorize The Living Words of God and store them up to be instructed by Them?
2 Peter 1:3 "According as His Divine Power hath He given unto us all things that pertain unto life and Godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM that hath called us to Glory and virtue; 4: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises; that by these ye may be partakers of The Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust"
Dear Friend, there is absolutely nothing good you need that God has not Provided in His Words; so also there is no kind of attack either physical or Spiritual that God's Words have not provided a weapon of Victory for you.
You struggle with sin everyday, but God's Words says that you have the Power to bind the old man in you at work.
You're not happy with your salary, but God's Words say you can command your wealth.
You're battling disease and periodic illness but God's Words says that you will be kept in perfect peace!
But you cannot have those Promise because you don't know them, you don't know God enough to receive them!
Brethren, what takes you 1 year to achieve by "hustling" and "working hard"(as the world prefers) will only take The Word of God a second to command into reality!!!
You must know The Scriptures off-hand so that you can stand firm wherever you are and in any situation.
Our Lord Jesus said that His Words are Spirit and Life!
Stop waking up to quickly read the Bible like it's a task, don't just read drowsily over The Bible at Night like it's a burden...your success and Eternal Life lies in The Pages of The Bible. Store up those Words, this is what God meant by "if I Live in you and you in Me, whatever you ask you shall receive".
Make a decision today to search The Scriptures and Write down all The lessons, Promises and Spiritual Weapons you find, these are all yours that you may live The Life God has Planned for you.
Many would Pray and fast all day, but they don't store up God's Words enough to know The Ways and The Instructions of God, but The Bible says The Lord will not answer their Prayers because they have refused to know His Words!
Brethren, let's follow God's Instructions in Joshua 1:8, search The Scriptures for Answers and Solutions, you'll receive God's Guidance and Blessings when you read The Word to Know it and not just for reading sake.
Read The Word and Store them up in your Heart, this is The First step to being able to live by The Word!!!
Please read and share, May The Lord shine His Light upon you!
Kindly follow up on this series of parts, and you will be Blessed in Jesus Name!
Joshua 1:8, John 1:1-5
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